Daily Archives: September 14, 2015

Blog Awards Ireland 2015

I am really honoured, not to mention thrilled, that my blog, The Silver Voice from Ireland,has been short-listed for the 2015 Blog Awards Ireland in the Education and Science category. I am very grateful to the people who nominated me for the long list, and above all am so very grateful to the tens of thousands of you who have visited my blog over the last few years.

The next stage of the judging includes public voting that accounts for 30% of the total mark. Voting takes place over the next week or so. I would very much appreciate your support if you feel so inclined. Voting can be done here or also from the icon on the right side on my site.

In fact I have been short-listed in the same group as blogs I admire greatly and have nominated myself, because they have been  particularly inspirational and supportive to me as a novice blogger, You might like to take a look at their pages too!  They are Irish in American Civil War  which can be seen here and Limerick Life’s blog that can be seen here.

In any event,thank you so much to everyone who drops by to read my pages and who takes the time to comment. You are very much appreciated!

It is not the winning, but the taking part that counts!




Filed under Blogging, Ireland